Author Topic: Weisel's No.6 DVD commentary transcriptions  (Read 4272 times)


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Re: Weisel's No.6 DVD commentary transcriptions
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2015, 06:30:36 pm »
Again, sorry for any errors. This takes a long time to do (like... the entire day) and by the time I'm done I'm like "I can't read anymore." I may go back and check it all when I'm done doing all of them. In the meantime, enjoy the commentary! I'll likely post episode 3 tomorrow.


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Re: Weisel's No.6 DVD commentary transcriptions
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2015, 05:15:08 am »
*-* Ahhh! Oh god, it's so much text. I can understand why you need a entire day. Please don't overdo it. >,< *gives you food and pillows filled with food*

This time, Kaji didn't talk so much, they balanced each other, also I think Hosoya is still the calmest one. XD
The part where they are singing and Hosoya is screaming is funny. XD Or when they sing that they captured Shion and use the kaze no requiem melody. Haha. :3
I think that's the best part.


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Re: Weisel's No.6 DVD commentary transcriptions
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2015, 06:29:11 am »
I wonder, it's only translation of text or there is some sound file/movie file with their talk? If there is I would love to hear that.


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Re: Weisel's No.6 DVD commentary transcriptions
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2015, 06:47:12 am »
Thank you so so much for all your efforts, Weisel! Ahhh please don't stress yourself!


Kaji super protective over Shion bless. And "Harajuku?! SERIOUSLY?" Yeah man no-one wears their pants that way Nezumi get on with the trends XD Even Hosoya admits the goggles are less than stylish.

This is super appreciated, thanks again so much for your efforts! And we can already write a bunch of interesting facts from these =)


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Re: Weisel's No.6 DVD commentary transcriptions
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2015, 08:45:19 am »
KY: I feel like they’re about to do synchronized swimming.
omfg I can’t.

I died laughing while reading this. XD Thank you! <3


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Re: Weisel's No.6 DVD commentary transcriptions
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2015, 01:24:09 pm »
I wonder, it's only translation of text or there is some sound file/movie file with their talk? If there is I would love to hear that.
The audio is in Japanese and I'm simply writing down the translated subtitles (I can't speak Japanese anyway). I've been thinking about ripping the audio from the DVDs so people can hear them talk as well and I'm sure there's a way to do it, but the only thing stopping me is copyright issues. Does anyone know if there'd be any copyright problems if I uploaded the audio alone?


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Re: Weisel's No.6 DVD commentary transcriptions
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2015, 01:25:24 pm »
@Ahiku Also thinking about pillows of food... When I die and go to heaven, I hope it's just pillows filled with food. Then I can nap and eat at the same time.


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Re: Weisel's No.6 DVD commentary transcriptions
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2015, 04:12:19 pm »
I don't think audio alone would be problem, aside from that it's bonus material. Well in my country NO.6 anime wasn't released second thing is that we have that you can have file for 24 hours to check it out, I don't know how it's that in other countries...

Anyway rip would be nice, it would be always nice to make sub video, I even have idea for nice looking one XD.     


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Re: Weisel's No.6 DVD commentary transcriptions
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2015, 04:20:40 pm »
As long as you don't spread them everywhere it should be fine. o.o° I mean you're also uploading AVMs...and the anime is also copyrighted material. XD If you don't want to share it here, you could do it in the private part of the forum. o.o

And yeah...pillows with food inside are heaven! As long as the food is soft and not hard. XD


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Re: Weisel's No.6 DVD commentary transcriptions
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2015, 04:47:33 pm »
@Ahiku OH RIGHT, duh... Then heck, I'll do it!

(Also maybe pastries inside the pillows... I won't need a gluten free diet in heaven, I'm sure.)


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Re: Weisel's No.6 DVD commentary transcriptions
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2015, 08:47:31 pm »
Episode 3, part 1:

KY: Okay, next up is episode 3!

YK: Right!

KY: We’ll pretend we’re in your home theater as we kick back and present this commentary.

YK: Sounds good!

YH: Yeah!

YK: It’s already starting.

KY: Yep! Where’s this?

YK: Yes?

KY: Where’s this?

YH: This is my house. [the underground room]

KY: Your house?

YK: It’s Nezumi’s house, isn’t it?

KY: So this is your house, Hosoya?

YH: Right, exactly.

YK: So it’s Hosoya’s house.

KY: It looks like some vintage place.

YH: It looks vintage?!

YK: I thought this place-- this library-- in the beginning of episode 3 is super pretty.

KY: Yeah!

YH: Yeah, it’s nice.

KY: I thought so, too.

YH: It kinda looks like it belongs in a movie.

KY: The covers on the books are all really cool!

YK: It’s nice how they have this antique look. Same for this piano. Later Nezumi will play the piano a bit with one hand.

YH: He has sheet music on the wall!

KY: Oh, wow!

YH: He’s an artist!

KY: He’s such an artist!

YK: He is an actor.

KY: Yep.

YK: You can see Nezumi’s groin. [after the shot of Nezumi shirtless]

KY: Eh? His groin?

YK: His groin is exposed.

YH: Lift up your pants!

YK: Right, right. You can see the part of the lines for his groin.

KY: Oh, really?

YK: Yeah. You can’t now that he’s sitting.

YH: But looking at him, he’s dressed pretty laid back.

KY: Hey, isn’t something on Sion? [there is a mouse on his shoulder in the shot]

YK: He’s bony. He is Nezumi after all.

[flashback to Karan reading to young Sion]

KY and YH: How cute!

KY: Mama!

YK: Those cherry blossoms are pretty.

KY: Huh?! That’s in English! [the book pages shown]

YH: Oh, my, my!

KY: Doesn’t this take place in Japan? I guess this isn’t Japan, is it? But that was English, wasn’t it?

[flashback ends]

YH: [to Nezumi] Lift up your pants!

YK: Yeah. The petals were--

KY: What about his pants?

YH: They’re slipping down.

KY: Yeah, you’re right! You’re right!

YK: In the closing credits, you see some cherry blossoms.

YH: Yeah, you do!

YK: It was at the very end.

KY: Yeah, they were blooming. [shot of Nezumi’s back] Oh, his back!

YK: Keloid scars!

KY: Keloid scars!

YH: There are his keloid scars.

YK: There they are… It’s a sexy shot.

KY: Isn’t there something behind those scars? Yeah. We’ll get to learn about it bit by bit.

YK: Yeah… Here’s the opening.

KY: Yep! Here’s the opening credits again!

YH: It’s the opening credits.

KY: Ta-da!

YK: What is it?

YH: I like how it feels like we’re passing through the clouds.

KY: Yeah!

YH: It’s like it’s saying the show is about to start.

KY: Doesn’t it?

YH: I always sat by the TV waiting for this.

KY: It’s amazing how it feels like we’re soaring through the sky

YH: Doesn’t it?

KY: when you watch this opening.

YK: We saw this each and every week, didn’t we?

KY: Yep. Well, I have a little something to share.

YK: Uh-huh, okay.

KY: The West District was based off a town called Jerez la Fronter, located in Andalusia in southern Spain.

YK: That is definitely trivia on the show

KY: Yep. Isn’t the west District the place they escaped to?

YH: It’s where Nezumi and the others live.

YK: Right. That’s where Nezumi lives.

KY: It’s where Nezumi and Inukashi live.

YK: Right, right.

KY: It was modeled after a city in Andalusia in southern Spain. By the way!

YH: Yeah?

KY: By the way, where was the city part of Chronos?

YH: You mean where the upscale housing is?

KY: Right. The part of the city where the wealthy in No. 6 live was inspired by ‘Anne of Green Gables!’ ‘Anne of Green Gables!’ It was inspired by the setting there in Prince Edward Island off the east coast of Canada.

YK: I’m not surprised that they put so much thought into their motifs.

KY: Yeah! The motifs are amazing.

YK: Well, back in the episode 1 commentary…

KY: Yeah?

YK: I mentioned how the main city for No. 6 was based off Amsterdam.

KY: Yeah, uh-huh.

YK: We discussed how it was used for its motif.

KY: Is that right?

YK: So the West District and Chronos used similar themes.

YH: Yeah!

KY: I’m not surprised they went to such lengths since the towns were so pretty.

YK: Yeah.

KY: And now… [credits end, changes to scene of Sion in the bath] Ah! He submerged!

YH: He submerged?!

YK: He-- he didn’t submerge!

KY: Submerge!

YK: He was diving.

KY: Diving?

YH: Uh-oh! There’s an ominous shadow! [the spot on Shion’s neck]

YK: No one’s noticed it.

YH: Isn’t this the same thing that Yamase had on him?

KY: It’s already evolved a lot.

YK: There aren’t any vaccines. It’s really evolved.

KY: It’s evolved, hasn’t it? Here you can see Nezumi’s rough house clothes. They’re rough looking. Yeah. That’s his look for when he’s home.

YH: That’s what he wears around the house.

KY: Yep!

YK: It’ll happen soon now.

YH: He only has hardcover books in this room. They’re hardbacks! Hardbacks!

KY: They’re hardbacks.

YH: Yeah. He seems to store a bunch of them.

YK: They look kinda like antiques.

KY: Yeah.

YK: He’s so classy!

KY: I bet there’s a bunch of treasure hidden in there!

YK: I wonder if anyone other than those rats have gone to Nezumi’s house before.

KY: No, I don’t think so.

YH: Probably not!

YK: I can’t see him bringing anyone in.

KY: I’m pretty sure Sion is the first he’s brought home with him.

YK: You mean aside from those rats-- the animals, I mean.

KY: Ah, aside from those little guys!

YK: But no people.

YH: It’s because he’s an actor.

YK: Right.

KY: Paparazzi would come if people found out where he lived.

YK: Probably! He can’t let his guard down! [shot of the mouse on Sion’s shoulder] He’s cute!

KY: My!

YK: The rats are so cute!

KY: The rats really are adorable!

YH: They’re cute!

YK: Squeak!

KY: Sque-squeak!

YH: Isn’t the robot rat kinda-- kinda round?

KY: That’s a robot rat?

YK: Yeah, yeah. His eyes dilated and went “clink, clink.”

KY: They made a noise, didn’t they?

[“I’ve spent years snooping around with these,”]

YH: What for?

[“looking for No. 6’s Achilles’ heel.”]

KY: Using what? For the Achilles’ heel!

YH: Wow! The way he said that was awesome! He said it a tad dramatically.

YK: He sure did.

KY: He was dramatic!

YH: Is Sion wearing sheans-- er, jeans?

YK: What’s “sheans?”

YH: Oops! I got tongue-tied.

KY: Sheans!

YK: Right. He probably borrowed some of Nezumi’s clothes.

YH: Right.

KY: Good catch.

[spots appear on Sion’s hands]

YH: Oh, no! It’s spreading!

KY: What is that?!

[“Wh… What is this?”]

YH: What the heck?!

YK: This is a bit different than with Yamase, isn’t it? It is different.

KY: The symptoms are different, aren’t they?

YK: That’s probably why they noticed it. But it only appeared on his neck…

KY: Right!

YH: It probably spread quicker. He’s in trouble! This is bad!

KY: Slowly-- Oh, that’s scary!

YH: The way he’s suffering is completely different.

YK: Well, his screaming right here…

YK: I got it in one try!

YH: Right, right. It was really tough. You got it after one take.

YK: I got it in one take.

KY: Yay, Kaji!

YK: The lip syncing here is amazing. Incredible!

KY: He looks like he’s really suffering.

YH: Run in circles, rat!

KY: Clack, clack, clack, clack, clack!

YK: The rat’s panicking.

KY: It’s a panicking rat!

YH: That, there! That emergency kit!

KY: The emergency kit?

YH: The emergency kit!

YK: It’s familiar?

YH: Right!

KY: Yep!

YK: Uh-huh.

YH: It’s like the one from four years ago.

YK: Isn’t it?

KY: The imagery is amazing.

YK: Yeah! He’s sinking… [Sion is in the weird red abyss of pain]

KY: Sinking…

YK: And then he gets stung by a bee!

KY:The pictures depicting what he’s going through are amazing!

YH: Yikes!

YK: It pulls at your senses.

KY: You can tell it’s eating away at him. Eek!

YH: His blood vessels are popping up! Yikes, yikes, yikes, yikes! Yikes!

KY: The curse is spreading…!


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Re: Weisel's No.6 DVD commentary transcriptions
« Reply #26 on: May 13, 2015, 08:48:03 pm »
Episode 3, part 2:

YK: Yikes!

YH: This looks painful!

KY: It looks painful!

YK: When we did the recording, it wasn’t fully colored in yet, but this conatins a lot of intricately drawn emotions. So we had to plan carefully on how to make my voice match them

YH: That’s amazing!

KY: But the look of agony on Sion’s face was legit even back then. Seriously…

YK: Whoa…

KY: Rat says some nice stuff right there.

YK: Thank goodness.

KY: Good luck! Hang in there!

YH: Hang in there, Sion!

KY: Good luck, Sion!

YH: Hang in there! You can do it!

KY: You’re a strong boy.

YK: Rat looked hot right there. He was all shiny!

KY: This!

YH: This gets to me! I’m sure this is hurting Nezumi, but it’s painful to Sion, too.

YK: Yeah, but it’d hurt even if he didn’t cut him.

[shot of the mice on the shelf]

YH: And they’re so cute!

YK: They’re all lined up!

YH: They’re adorable!

KY: It’s cute how they’re staring!

YK: Here’s some more trivia.

KY: We had some more trivia, didn’t we?

YK: Sure did.

KY: Go on, Hosoya! Please share it with us!

YH: What?

KY: Share some trivia with us.

YK: She dumped it on you.

KY: Please share.

YH: Huh? What was it? Well, this is a useful little tidbit regarding episode 3. It’s about the three rats, Hamlet, Cravat, and Moonlight.

KY: The three rats.

YH: The three rats were so cute this day that Yonai of BONES

YK: Uh-huh.

KY: Yonai.

YH: set it up so that he could squeeze in shots of them in every episode possible.

KY: He set it up! He set it up!

YK: Yonai!

KY: Yonai!

YH: He’d come out after our program and go,

KY: Right.

YH: “Squeak, squeak, squeak! I’m Hamlet!”

YK: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

YH: It doesn’t look like he’ll be making an appearance tonight, squeak!

YK: Why is it mostly old guys who do that?

YH: Yeah, yeah.

YK: He really does whatever he thinks.

YH: Yeah, yeah, he does.

KY: It’s like--

YK: Those rats are cute!

KY: Who does their voices? They’re so cute.

YK: Well, the staff… who draws the show.

KY: They split the roles?

YH: They split the roles up?

YK: And a bunch of other staff from the company does as well.

KY: Really?

YK: Right. Different people draw the rats.

YH: Oh, I see.

KY: There’s the rat staff.

YK: Right.

YH: And they voice them.

YK: So they’re always voiced by someone different.

KY: Really?! It’s cute how they got really into it!

YH: It’s cute, isn’t it?

YK: And Kurosu, KURO_P, makes his sound weird.

KY: Kurosu’s… squeaks? How is it weird?

YK: Well, he’s really energetic, or…

KY: He’s energetic or what?

YK: Well, you know how he’s lived abroad before?

YH: Yeah.

YK: Kurosu’s real name is Reo Kurosu.

KY: Reo Kurosu!

YH: Reo!

YK: But you can change that to an English name.

KY: You can!

YH: Cross Leo. Cross Leo.

KY: Leo Cross.

YK: So you can see where all that energy comes from.

KY: I guess so.

YK: He’s one of the hot producers at Aniplex.

KY: He’s a hot producer…

YH: Actually-- Actually, you know Nezumi’s hairstyle?

YK: Yeah.

KY: Yeah?

YH: Kurosu does his just like that!

YK: You’re right!

YH: You know how you can’t see where he ties the knot?

KY: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

YH: You can’t see the seam for Nezumi’s ponytail.

[Sion looks in the mirror]

YH: Oh, his hair’s gone white!

YK: Kurosu heard us having fun talking about him and he asked us to change the topic!

KY: You’re right! There’s Kurosu!

YK: He said, “Stop talking about me!”

KY” Watch the show!”

YK: Well, this is an important scene, so let’s watch it!

YH: It’s an important scene!

KY: We made Kurosu angry!

YK: That doesn’t matter! Well…

YH: He removed his bandages. What has happened to Sion’s body?

KY: And Sion’s--!

YK: He just discovered what has happened to him.

KY: He’s so white!

YK: I’m amazed at how calm Nezumi is.

[“You’re lucky.”]

YK: No, he’s not! He isn’t lucky at all.

KY: Really, he’s just putting on the rough and tough act.

YH: Right! He’s telling him not to be afraid.

KY: Right! Nezumi’s saying it for his own good.

[“Consider them medals of honor for surviving.”]

YK: Yeah, he’s right…

YH: But that’s a bit hard for someone to swallow.

YK: I’d think so.

KY: It must be tough.

YH: But doesn’t Sion look cool with white hair? It looks godly.

KY: Yeah, it’s divine.

YK: I actually remember when we recorded this scene. I think I got really into my role.

KY: Kaji, you’re amazing! You really get into character.

YK: But I don’t get into my role all that often.

KY: Really?!

YH: Is that right?

KY: But everyone who sees you during the recording thinks you’re just like Sion.

YK: Really?

KY: Yep!

YK: No, that seems more like you two, Yasukiyo and Hosoya.

YH: I tend to keep pretty sober.

YK: Really?

YH: Seriously.

YK: But that goes for me, too!

KY: Don’t! We can’t all act sober!

YH: What do you mean “all” of us?

YK: I’m not really sober…

YH: We just make our limits.

KY: So you draw your line and act from there. I see, I see.

YK: But if it looks like we’re totally in character… That’s actually a good thing, right!

KY: It’s amazing how when we’re recording, Kaji will go barefoot during his powerful scenes. That left a strong impression on me.

YK: My sandals would make noise otherwise.

KY: I guess so.

YK: But it makes it easier to put power into the lines.

KY: Squeak, squeak!

YK: It’s easier to voice Sion if I act pure and natural.

KY: I tried to copy you and act barefoot once and it felt great!

YK: Really?

KY: Yep! It felt nice.

YK: Then keep acting barefoot.

KY: Okay!

YK: I will for as long as they let me. [Sion’s eating dinner] And thus he’s overcome a difficult battle.

KY: Right.

YH: That’s a sigh of relief.

KY: That looks like it could be used for a soup commercial.

YK: From stew to that! [in regards to the larva]

KY: From stew to that!

YH: Yuck!

KY: Don’t put it on the same plate! [flashback to Yamase’s wasp] Flap, flap, flap, flap, flap!

YK: Those wings sounded real.

KY: They sounded real. I’ve got a bad feeling about this!

YK: This show is like one big dialogue. I mean, since the start of the episode-- Oh, there was a short scene of Safu with her grandmother. But it’s mostly been just Nezumi and Sion.

KY: It sure has.

YH: Indeed it has.

YK: There aren’t too many shows that do that.

KY: The-The chemistry between you two—[Sion throws water on Nezumi] Uh-oh!

YK: Uh-oh!

KY: Uh-oh!

YH: I can’t believe Sion!

YK: It’s Sampo! Sampo! He’s holding Sampo! [regarding the pitcher]

KY: Sampo!

YK: It’s an old Sampo.

KY: It’s ancient!

YK: No, it’s not a Sampo.

YH: That exchange was interesting.

KY: Yeah!

YK: Nezumi suddenly started laughing so Sion splashed him with water.

YH: Sion threw water on him.

KY: Yep! But Sion’s dead serious.

[shot of the Moondrop being devoured by creepy darkness]

YH: Whoa!

KY: I thought that was a bunch of the bees flying around!

YK: No, they aren’t!

KY: But that won’t happen for a while.

YK: Did Nezumi give him that cardigan?

KY: Huh? But I thought he already had that on him.

YK: So it’s his? So he really washed it well?

KY: Yeah!

YH: Then it wouldn’t be warm at all!

YK: And it’d probably stink.

KY: It’s probably made from superfiber cloth, so smells don’t stick.

YH: Sion’s clothes?

YK: No, they aren’t!

YH: Sion’s aren’t.

YK: The cloth Nezumi was wearing…

YH: Was a superfiber cloth. The cloak he wrapped around himself was superfiber cloth.

KY: So sion’s aren’t superfiber cloth? Is that right?

YK: I don’t think all material is.

KY: Really?

YK: After Nezumi wrapped him up in it and they rolled down the slope, Sion was surprised that it was a superfiber cloth.

KY: So that was a special item?

YK: Because it’s “super.”

KY: Super?

YK: It isn’t any old fiber.

KY: I get it!

YK: It’s SUPERfiber cloth!


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Re: Weisel's No.6 DVD commentary transcriptions
« Reply #27 on: May 13, 2015, 08:48:58 pm »
Episode 3, part 3:

YH: It may be something he used on stage. And that’s why he has it.

YK: So that’s why.

YH: It just doesn’t fit quite right.

YK: But Sion wears this outfit for most of the show.

KY: They’re durable.

YK: He wears this or his coat.

KY: His hair!

[Sion talks about using his blood for a vaccine]

YK: Come to think of it, he may have been acting naïve.

YH: Maybe. But I like how Sion isn’t afraid of anything.

YK: No, I want him to stay like this. I think Nezumi was drawn to him precisely because of his views.

YH: That’s what drew Nezumi to him.

YK: It’s what helps him change.

[“Hey! No more water!”]

YK: That must have really bugged him.

YH: It must have been a shock!

KY: From Nezumi’s perspective, Sion is really unpredictable.

YH: He is.

KY: Like suddenly throwing water on him.

YH: Normally you’d ask, “What’s up?” if someone started laughing. But he jumped straight to the water!

YK: He thought that Nezumi had gone hysterical.

YH: It’s nice how he was truly concerned.

KY: Oh, jeez… I have a pretty strong image of them talking a lot in the second half of the previous episode as well.

YK: Which episode?

KY: The previous one. Episode 2.

YH: The previous episode, huh?

YK: Well, you know, we have extremely limited time since we’re trying to squeeze a nine volume novel series into 11 episode. So they had to fill every second.

KY: But they don’t sit and just explain stuff. It’s nice how the explanations get brought up in their conversations.

YH: It’s like there’s too much information to squeeze into a thirty minute anime, so I can’t take my eyes off of the screen.

YK: Yeah, exactly.

YH: The show will never bore you. That’s nice.

YK: Yeah, i had a really good time.

KY: Yeah!

YK: How about you, Hosoya?

YH: Well, I really had a great time acting with you two.

KY: Yeah?

YH: Honestly! It was like, how to put it? Kaji delivered his lines well from the first scene to the last. I’ve still got a lot to learn. My delivery was choppy like a triangle. Chop! Chop, chop!

YK: No, not at all!

YH: I was choppy like a polygon!

KY: That’s not true!

YH: That’s how I felt when I watched you perform. It really, how to put it…?

YK: Eh, really?

YH: How to describe it? You really motivated me. I’d wonder, “How does he do that?” That’s how I really feel! Is it okay to go on about this while episode 3 plays? That’s really what I thought during all of our recording sessions. And isn’t Yasukiyo still fairly new to this line of work? There is a freshness to you precisely because you are new to this, at least from my perspective.

KY: Thank you very much!

YH: Jeez, I made that sound like I’ve been doing this for a hundred years!

KY: No, not at all! Both of you are my senpai!

YH: I didn’t mean it like that! The feelings you had seemed new and you applied all that newness to each episode. It was kinda inspirational.

YK: The first time I met Yasukiyo…

KY: Yeah?

YK: …was for this show.

KY: Right.

YK: I had already read the novels, so I wondered what type of person Safu would be. After all, I’d never heard her voice before.

KY: That’s right.

YK: So when I heard you at the recording,

KY: Yeah?

YK: I thought, “Wow! She’s a perfect match!”

KY: Thank you so much!

YK: I was surprised when I heard that you haven’t done much yet. But you’re good!

KY: Oh, thanks, But I’m not that great!

YK: Well, you may not care what I think,

KY: No, I do!

YK: But I thought you were great! You were perfect!

YH: I thought that this animation would turn into a movie when I watched you two.

YK: Wow!

KY: A movie?! That’d be cool if it did…

YH: I know that No. 6 is an anime, but I thought that this script seemed like it belonged to a Japanese movie that was being executed as an anime. This cast really was wonderful. Really. Everyone was cast perfectly.

KY: Seriously!

YH: They were perfect.

YK: You got it.

YH: Right, right.

YK: Here’s Inukashi.

YH: A new character…

YK: …is taking stage.

KY: We get a new character!

YH: Look!

KY: Isn’t that a German Shepherd?

YK: This is Inukashi’s entrance.

YH: Yep, uh-huh.

YK: Not only rats, but even dogs…

KY: Dogs what?

YK: He…

KY: There’s a bunch of different breed.

YH: L-Look at those eyes! Sion’s amazing here! It’s amazing how his eyes can look so gentle when the dog is growling at him!

YK: He befriended it.

KY: Cute!

YH: He must have won since he didn’t look away.

KY: Yep!

YK: Sion’s tough.

KY: Nezumi gasped in surprise.

YH: He’s like, “Is this kid for real?”

KY: “Is this for real?”

[“Did we pass the test?”]

YK: He sounded cool asking that!

YH: He’s carefree! It’s hard to tell if he was being carefree or cool.

YK: And here’s Kei Shindo!

YH: There she is!

[“It’s Inukashi.”]

YK: And that was the entrance of a new character in the show.

KY: Right.

YK: Inukashi is an important character

KY: That was Inukashi.

YK: who sticks with the protagonists until the very end.

KY: We finally get to see her-- Inukashi! Her? Him? Actually, when they commissioned Inukashi’s design, they didn’t specify a gender or tell toi8 if it’s a boy or girl when they asked him to design the character.

YK: Well, in both the anime and the novels, Inukashi reminds you of both genders.

YH: It’s supposed to make you wonder.

YK: Right. Inukashi has aspects that depict either gender. So it’s never specified.

[conversation in the hotel with Inukashi]

YH: This--

YK: Too cute!

YH: Yep!

KY: Adorable!

YH: Which gender do you think Shindo had in mind when she started out as this character?

KY: I’d love to know!

YH: Yeah, I’d love to know.

YK: This song makes me feel melancholic when I hear it.

YH: I can see that.

KY: This song gets played several times throughout the show.

YK: It kinda reminds me of when he was twelve. It reminds me of back when he was living at home with his mother, Karan.

KY: It’s an amazingly nostalgic sounding song.

YH: You know how this song is first played in episode 1?

KY: Yeah.

YH: Sion was studying when it was played, remember? And he looks out the window and the tree leaves are rustling. It makes me want to return to my student years. It’s super nostalgic, but makes you realize that time has passed.

YK: I wonder why it feels so nostalgic? This song was originally used in the first trailer.

YH: You’re right.

KY: That’s right!

YK: After I passed the audition and was doing the recording for the trailer, I heard this song. I listened to it while I was voice acting. It makes me remember how I was nervous if I’d do well in No. 6. I think that theme song really portrays this world well.

YH: Yeah. The music is great from beginning to end.

KY: Yeah! There are a lot of good songs!

YK: We reached the ending credits in the blink of an eye.

YH: I’ve been waiting for this!

KY: Jeez, that flew by!

YH: This…

YK: This is “Rokutousei no Yoru.”

YH: Isn’t “Rokutousei no Yoru” a truly great song?

YK: I’ve already downloaded it.

YH: For real?

KY: Really? I’m jealous!

YH: I’d like to download it. Please show me how to later!

YK: You got it! I’m already in my trial period. I’m in the middle of my trial period.

KY: Really?!

YK: Yeah.

KY: That’s great.

YH: This is a great song!

KY: I nearly cry every time I see him hold out his hand. [in regards to the still in the credits where Nezumi is holding out his hand]

YH: And everyone’s like, “What’s wrong?”

YK: “Something the matter?”

KY: “It’s nothing…”

YK: “We will be reunited.”

KY: “We will be reunited.”

YH: Man, this is pretty!

YK: Well, we’ve already covered everything for this commentary.

KY: We sure have!

YK: And we’ve also finished recording for the actual show. For people who know the ending, watching these casual scenes in the West District can make you feel kinda melancholic.

KY: It sure can!

YK: But things aren’t over yet. I think they’ll definitely be united again someday.

YH: That’s right.

KY: It’s really just a new beginning.

YH: That’s right.

YK: Those cherry blossoms!

KY: Yeah?

YK: Spring is bound to come!

KY: Spring comes and summer is in sight.

YK: That’s wonderful!

YH: This song is really great. There’s the bee logo!

KY: Jeez!

YK: Here’s the episode 4 preview. Well, that’s it for DVD/BD Volume 2.

KY: Right.

YK: And that’s it for our audio commentary.

KY: Yep. Thank you for listening.

YK: There are still countless more dramatic twists and turns left!

KY: The story is just getting started!

YK: That’s right! What has happened to Safu?

KY: What will happen to Safu? There’s still lots to see!

YK: I hope you look forward to watching it again anew.

KY: Yeah.

YH: Right.

YK: Your commentators this time were:

KY: Right. Safu’s voice actress, Kiyono Yasuno!

YK: Sion’s voice actor, Yuki Kaji!

YH: And Nezumi’s voice actor, Yoshimasa Hosaya!

YK: We’ll see you again in Volume 3!

KY: Yeah!

YK: Bye-bye!

KY: Bye-bye!

YH: Bye-bye!

(again, apologies for any errors. I'll fix them later.)


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Re: Weisel's No.6 DVD commentary transcriptions
« Reply #28 on: May 14, 2015, 03:28:34 am »
Ahhhh, thanks again, Weisel! *puts more tasty food in your pillow*

Wow, so much trivia about the cities. That was really interesting. :3
Yuki Kaji is a real fanboy, huh? XD He even downloaded the song. That's so cute. And he really seems to like Nezumi, lol. (His groin, he's sexy, he's hot. X'DDDD I wonder if Kaji likes guys. ^^)

YH: I know that No. 6 is an anime, but I thought that this script seemed like it belonged to a Japanese movie that was being executed as an anime. This cast really was wonderful. Really. Everyone was cast perfectly.

Uh...sorry Hosoya...everyone, but you. You're a great voice actor, but you're not really the perfect match for a teenager. Especially when said teenager can sound like a woman if he wants to. <.< Okay... I have to admit, when you consider anime Nezumi, a deep and low voice is fitting, because he looks really manly and bully. I guess a more feminine...or even androgynous voice would sound really weird then. But he'd never, NEVER fit manga Nezumi.

Especially when Nezumi is just 12, it's absolutely horrible. Even Kaji sounds too old for shrimp Shion. ^^°
Meeeh... I think the girl's voices are waaaay more fitting. Yasukino is great as Safu and I really love Inukashi's voice. ^^ (It reminds me so much of Aimer... I always imagine that Inukashi is singing the ending, lol XD)

Well, thanks again, Weisel. :D


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Re: Weisel's No.6 DVD commentary transcriptions
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2015, 06:27:52 am »
Thanks so much again for your hard work, @Weisel! Oh geesh this is all kinds of wonderful. Ugh now I'm sad the DVD release isn't region code 2... well aside from the Japanese one but that's a little too much XD; 6 DVDs for 11 episodes come on now.
So yeah thanks so much for sharing for those of us who don't have access to the DVDs!!

OMIGOSH KAJI PRIORITIES. Pay more attention to Nezumi's body why don't you.

But oh thank you Yasuno for sharing what the parts of the city were based on! That's really neat.

And them all getting in the moment when Shion was suffering, aww.
And the staff doing the mice! Omigosh. (How is it even possible to tie your hair like anime!Nezumi's. HOW.)
Oh and taking off your shoes during powerful scenes sounds like a really smart thing to do.
The fuss about the cloth omigosh. (It's bullet proof, guys. I think that might be it XD)

Oh my gosh Hosoya complimenting everyone geesh.

So toi8 never knew either about Inukashi? Neat. I was wondering about that, actually, so nice to have that cleared up.

yay pointless commentary as I read through this, haha. It's so great to read them all getting into it so much~
« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 06:37:38 am by listenforthelove »