Episode 3, part 2:
YK: Yikes!
YH: This looks painful!
KY: It looks painful!
YK: When we did the recording, it wasn’t fully colored in yet, but this conatins a lot of intricately drawn emotions. So we had to plan carefully on how to make my voice match them
YH: That’s amazing!
KY: But the look of agony on Sion’s face was legit even back then. Seriously…
YK: Whoa…
KY: Rat says some nice stuff right there.
YK: Thank goodness.
KY: Good luck! Hang in there!
YH: Hang in there, Sion!
KY: Good luck, Sion!
YH: Hang in there! You can do it!
KY: You’re a strong boy.
YK: Rat looked hot right there. He was all shiny!
KY: This!
YH: This gets to me! I’m sure this is hurting Nezumi, but it’s painful to Sion, too.
YK: Yeah, but it’d hurt even if he didn’t cut him.
[shot of the mice on the shelf]
YH: And they’re so cute!
YK: They’re all lined up!
YH: They’re adorable!
KY: It’s cute how they’re staring!
YK: Here’s some more trivia.
KY: We had some more trivia, didn’t we?
YK: Sure did.
KY: Go on, Hosoya! Please share it with us!
YH: What?
KY: Share some trivia with us.
YK: She dumped it on you.
KY: Please share.
YH: Huh? What was it? Well, this is a useful little tidbit regarding episode 3. It’s about the three rats, Hamlet, Cravat, and Moonlight.
KY: The three rats.
YH: The three rats were so cute this day that Yonai of BONES
YK: Uh-huh.
KY: Yonai.
YH: set it up so that he could squeeze in shots of them in every episode possible.
KY: He set it up! He set it up!
YK: Yonai!
KY: Yonai!
YH: He’d come out after our program and go,
KY: Right.
YH: “Squeak, squeak, squeak! I’m Hamlet!”
YK: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
YH: It doesn’t look like he’ll be making an appearance tonight, squeak!
YK: Why is it mostly old guys who do that?
YH: Yeah, yeah.
YK: He really does whatever he thinks.
YH: Yeah, yeah, he does.
KY: It’s like--
YK: Those rats are cute!
KY: Who does their voices? They’re so cute.
YK: Well, the staff… who draws the show.
KY: They split the roles?
YH: They split the roles up?
YK: And a bunch of other staff from the company does as well.
KY: Really?
YK: Right. Different people draw the rats.
YH: Oh, I see.
KY: There’s the rat staff.
YK: Right.
YH: And they voice them.
YK: So they’re always voiced by someone different.
KY: Really?! It’s cute how they got really into it!
YH: It’s cute, isn’t it?
YK: And Kurosu, KURO_P, makes his sound weird.
KY: Kurosu’s… squeaks? How is it weird?
YK: Well, he’s really energetic, or…
KY: He’s energetic or what?
YK: Well, you know how he’s lived abroad before?
YH: Yeah.
YK: Kurosu’s real name is Reo Kurosu.
KY: Reo Kurosu!
YH: Reo!
YK: But you can change that to an English name.
KY: You can!
YH: Cross Leo. Cross Leo.
KY: Leo Cross.
YK: So you can see where all that energy comes from.
KY: I guess so.
YK: He’s one of the hot producers at Aniplex.
KY: He’s a hot producer…
YH: Actually-- Actually, you know Nezumi’s hairstyle?
YK: Yeah.
KY: Yeah?
YH: Kurosu does his just like that!
YK: You’re right!
YH: You know how you can’t see where he ties the knot?
KY: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
YH: You can’t see the seam for Nezumi’s ponytail.
[Sion looks in the mirror]
YH: Oh, his hair’s gone white!
YK: Kurosu heard us having fun talking about him and he asked us to change the topic!
KY: You’re right! There’s Kurosu!
YK: He said, “Stop talking about me!”
KY” Watch the show!”
YK: Well, this is an important scene, so let’s watch it!
YH: It’s an important scene!
KY: We made Kurosu angry!
YK: That doesn’t matter! Well…
YH: He removed his bandages. What has happened to Sion’s body?
KY: And Sion’s--!
YK: He just discovered what has happened to him.
KY: He’s so white!
YK: I’m amazed at how calm Nezumi is.
[“You’re lucky.”]
YK: No, he’s not! He isn’t lucky at all.
KY: Really, he’s just putting on the rough and tough act.
YH: Right! He’s telling him not to be afraid.
KY: Right! Nezumi’s saying it for his own good.
[“Consider them medals of honor for surviving.”]
YK: Yeah, he’s right…
YH: But that’s a bit hard for someone to swallow.
YK: I’d think so.
KY: It must be tough.
YH: But doesn’t Sion look cool with white hair? It looks godly.
KY: Yeah, it’s divine.
YK: I actually remember when we recorded this scene. I think I got really into my role.
KY: Kaji, you’re amazing! You really get into character.
YK: But I don’t get into my role all that often.
KY: Really?!
YH: Is that right?
KY: But everyone who sees you during the recording thinks you’re just like Sion.
YK: Really?
KY: Yep!
YK: No, that seems more like you two, Yasukiyo and Hosoya.
YH: I tend to keep pretty sober.
YK: Really?
YH: Seriously.
YK: But that goes for me, too!
KY: Don’t! We can’t all act sober!
YH: What do you mean “all” of us?
YK: I’m not really sober…
YH: We just make our limits.
KY: So you draw your line and act from there. I see, I see.
YK: But if it looks like we’re totally in character… That’s actually a good thing, right!
KY: It’s amazing how when we’re recording, Kaji will go barefoot during his powerful scenes. That left a strong impression on me.
YK: My sandals would make noise otherwise.
KY: I guess so.
YK: But it makes it easier to put power into the lines.
KY: Squeak, squeak!
YK: It’s easier to voice Sion if I act pure and natural.
KY: I tried to copy you and act barefoot once and it felt great!
YK: Really?
KY: Yep! It felt nice.
YK: Then keep acting barefoot.
KY: Okay!
YK: I will for as long as they let me. [Sion’s eating dinner] And thus he’s overcome a difficult battle.
KY: Right.
YH: That’s a sigh of relief.
KY: That looks like it could be used for a soup commercial.
YK: From stew to that! [in regards to the larva]
KY: From stew to that!
YH: Yuck!
KY: Don’t put it on the same plate! [flashback to Yamase’s wasp] Flap, flap, flap, flap, flap!
YK: Those wings sounded real.
KY: They sounded real. I’ve got a bad feeling about this!
YK: This show is like one big dialogue. I mean, since the start of the episode-- Oh, there was a short scene of Safu with her grandmother. But it’s mostly been just Nezumi and Sion.
KY: It sure has.
YH: Indeed it has.
YK: There aren’t too many shows that do that.
KY: The-The chemistry between you two—[Sion throws water on Nezumi] Uh-oh!
YK: Uh-oh!
KY: Uh-oh!
YH: I can’t believe Sion!
YK: It’s Sampo! Sampo! He’s holding Sampo! [regarding the pitcher]
KY: Sampo!
YK: It’s an old Sampo.
KY: It’s ancient!
YK: No, it’s not a Sampo.
YH: That exchange was interesting.
KY: Yeah!
YK: Nezumi suddenly started laughing so Sion splashed him with water.
YH: Sion threw water on him.
KY: Yep! But Sion’s dead serious.
[shot of the Moondrop being devoured by creepy darkness]
YH: Whoa!
KY: I thought that was a bunch of the bees flying around!
YK: No, they aren’t!
KY: But that won’t happen for a while.
YK: Did Nezumi give him that cardigan?
KY: Huh? But I thought he already had that on him.
YK: So it’s his? So he really washed it well?
KY: Yeah!
YH: Then it wouldn’t be warm at all!
YK: And it’d probably stink.
KY: It’s probably made from superfiber cloth, so smells don’t stick.
YH: Sion’s clothes?
YK: No, they aren’t!
YH: Sion’s aren’t.
YK: The cloth Nezumi was wearing…
YH: Was a superfiber cloth. The cloak he wrapped around himself was superfiber cloth.
KY: So sion’s aren’t superfiber cloth? Is that right?
YK: I don’t think all material is.
KY: Really?
YK: After Nezumi wrapped him up in it and they rolled down the slope, Sion was surprised that it was a superfiber cloth.
KY: So that was a special item?
YK: Because it’s “super.”
KY: Super?
YK: It isn’t any old fiber.
KY: I get it!
YK: It’s SUPERfiber cloth!