Author Topic: Chat thread :)  (Read 21683 times)


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Re: Chat thread :)
« Reply #360 on: December 14, 2016, 03:37:12 am »
Unrelated, but a friend of mine crashed his car yesterday and broke his neck and some ribs. He's not paralyzed, but he can't use his right arm for now and he's basically stuck lying in bed for the next month or so. Does anyone have some ideas of things I can do for him to help out and cheer him up? So far I've gotten him a lap desk and dry shampoo, and I've made a loop scarf that he can pull over his head with one hand as well as a puppy print blanket. Any suggestions are very appreciated <3


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Re: Chat thread :)
« Reply #361 on: December 29, 2016, 04:24:38 pm »
Books or Movies, anything entertaining unless his head can't take it. But it will be boring to wait for it to heal.

Also my friend and me had fun today. And I don't consider it proper cosplay, we just had fun. So I'm sharing it here.

I also laughed my butt off when I tried her Shion wig. I definitely don't look like Shion.


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Re: Chat thread :)
« Reply #362 on: March 05, 2017, 03:42:32 am »
Just dropping in since it's been a while and I can't get to sleep at the moment.

Things have been a little crazy for the past few months. I have my hands pretty full with cleaning up the house I'm in (and the plumbing keeps giving me issues– the main pipe is clay and decades old so the tree roots around are breaking through it over and over), helping out my friend– now boyfriend– who was in the car accident, and trying to join any activist efforts I can now that the US is in such an insane state. I participated in the Women's March in Washington D.C., and soon I'll be making an appointment to meet with a state representative alongside my mom. I never thought I'd end up living through this kind of thing before. I used to never watch the news, but now I'm watching several different news networks almost daily. It seems like something scary crops up every single day and I might miss something important if I blink.

So with everything going on, I haven't had a chance to cosplay or even make anything for future cosplays, save for the tiny convention I attended in January for one day. I wore a cosplay I'd finished last year and only takes a few minutes to put on, so it was pretty minimal effort. Still, I got lots of photos taken, which felt pretty nice after how much work I put into making that cosplay.

Whenever I do take breaks from working on things, I just sit and knit. I've been super exhausted for the past week and haven't been able to do much of anything... I tried to clean for maybe half an hour the other day and got a migraine, and I slept through the time I was supposed to volunteer at the cat shelter. Plus, I've lost about ten pounds without trying to, which isn't something that normally happens to me. I usually stay the same weight or slowly pack on a few extra pounds until I really try dieting to get rid of it, so I'm a bit worried.

I suppose overall I'm doing well mentally and emotionally. Having a companion to talk to every day is good for me and Mimi keeps me company most of the time. I took her to the vet and she's in excellent health aside from some gingivitis. She'll be turning thirteen next month, and yet she plays like a kitten. The only problem I've had with her is that she cries and cries whenever I'm working in the basement (which is blocked off until it's ready for cats), so then I have to stop every ten minutes to hold her until she calms down again.

The weather here has been super weird. I wore shorts last week and was still sweating, and just yesterday it snowed. I don't understand!

Anyway, I hope things are going well for all of you, or that at least things are calmer. I miss hearing from you all.


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Re: Chat thread :)
« Reply #363 on: March 29, 2017, 11:35:05 am »
I miss hearing from you all as well, and I'm glad to see you're doing well. I've been a bit more active politically as well since the U.S. currents state of affairs happened, though I missed the women's march due to a lack of a ride. I have participated in some other protests, though. I'm glad to hear you've found a passion in standing up for this country, it really needs people like that right now.

I haven't really changed much in the past few months. I'm still 17, so life is still mostly just school and work.

I went to California for a week recently for spring break. I've never traveled that far from home before, especially without my family. I enjoyed the experience a lot, and it helped me realize that the world is more than the state of Florida and i'm not as tied here as it seems. Plus, there were no oak trees there, therefore no pollen, so i could actually breath for a week :P

The biggest change for me recently is actually that I've been trying different medications. I finally convinced my mom to start giving me ADHD medication. Since then, I've begun to feel tremendously better in class. I used to feel as if there was a wall between my teacher and me preventing any of their lectures from teaching me, like it was actually impossible for any new information to enter my brain because it was already full. I finally feel that I am understanding what i'm being taught, and I'm very thankful. I've also just begun to take prozac for my social anxiety, but that only started today, so the effects have yet to be seen.

As for yet to happen events, I am actually going to Israel this summer for two or three weeks. I am jewish, but only culturally rather than spiritually. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to observe my culture in full force.

I hope to continue to hear from you guys. I check here every once in a while, but usually am too afraid to post. Even if I don't hear anything, I hope you're all still doing well. :)


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Re: Chat thread :)
« Reply #364 on: June 02, 2017, 09:13:58 am »
hey guys, its been more than 3 years since ive been active here... thats a lot of time.. Glad you guys are doing well! I was cleaning up my email and saw notifications on this website and for nostalgic reasons i came to check the activity! its not entire active anymore but theres still some life! Im just glad its still here :)

Ah about my life... ive been doing good lately, just university is all. Exams are coming up and im not ready... Yea, i dont have much going on with my life atm but thats cool too!

Hope ur all doing well where ever u guys are!!


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Re: Chat thread :)
« Reply #365 on: June 04, 2017, 02:44:54 am »
:waves: @_@ it's been forever since I've been back too!! *blows off dust*

Good luck with your exams @scorrando!! >< ... tho hopefully you'd be done with them by the time you see this again ;)

@Ghosty and @Weisei, we need more people like you in America to be more politically active.......... auuuuuuugh.... but the No.6 forums /probably/ isn't the most ideal place to discuss politics.... >> (or is it? XD where're Nezumi and Shion to overthrow this disaster nut job?)

I'm glad you got to come to California, @Ghosty! and that you're getting the medical help you need!! <3 and that's so exciting that you're going to Israel this summer! :O I've never been, but pictures always look beautiful... it sounds like a culturally enriching experience, have fun and stay safe!! ^^

as for me... personally... I've started coding (or learning how to)... Trying one of those bootcamp things and it's taking a while... because I'm slow and I just stocked up on a bunch of No.6 doujins last week because I'm weak and I'm currently putting sticky notes on ones that I want to scan & translate before Sept 7th, 2017. I want to share them here first... or at least somewhere that I can control availability 'cause even though the fandom, both American and Japanese, have moved on, I still want to respect artists and not ~freely~ redistribute their work... ^^ but I also want to share privately with friends... so what do. :S


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Re: Chat thread :)
« Reply #366 on: June 04, 2017, 10:13:13 am »
@Meopat if your doing doujin scans, i would definitely love to see them. It's a bit ridiculous how not at all moved on from No. 6 I am. I brought it on dvd to my school this week to try to attempt my marine teacher to let us watch it since we have two days of school left and aren't doing anything. This story is forever ingrained in me T_T


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Re: Chat thread :)
« Reply #367 on: July 14, 2017, 06:29:49 am »
Well, I don't think everyone who once feel in love with NO.6 could move on fully. See here. I thought this forum would be dead, I clicked it at work (we have less to do at summer time, September will leave me breathless for a change) and what, there are posts here, and not so outdated. It's heartwarming. Compare to fandom I lately checked out, this place was so peaceful and loving. I wish every fandom was like this.


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Re: Chat thread :)
« Reply #368 on: July 19, 2017, 06:31:51 pm »
Now that I'm in a different place in my life, I'm hoping to do things for the fandom soon. Things have been crazy and I'm still recovering from the stress (I had seventeen days to find a new place to live and completely move out of my last home), but I'm no longer working on cleaning that house and will have more time to do the things I want once I'm settled in and have a few things taken care of. I love doing things for the fandom like the secret Santa event and would love to do more than just one project a year if possible. I'd also like to get back to writing, scanning the No.6 toi8 art book, improving my cosplays, and working on the No.6 audiobook project I had to abandon. I definitely miss being here with all you wonderful No.6 people!


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Re: Chat thread :)
« Reply #369 on: July 25, 2017, 01:41:44 am »
I hope everything from now on going to be good and less stressful Weisel.

Are we (RC blog) interested in celebrating 7th September in this year?


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Re: Chat thread :)
« Reply #370 on: August 07, 2017, 10:12:43 pm »
I'd be up for a celebration event! Any ideas on what we should do?


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Re: Chat thread :)
« Reply #371 on: August 24, 2017, 01:19:57 am »
Gosh, I had such nightmare at work that I didn't have any strength left to think about 7th september, but what about some reminding on RC blog and just telling people that if they want they can make fanart, fanfiction, cosplay photos etc. and give it tag #7september2017NO6 or something like this to celebrate. What you, remained souls from this forum, think about this idea?

I might edit something (announcement) quickly on weekend with some manga panel.


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Re: Chat thread :)
« Reply #372 on: September 03, 2017, 03:16:07 pm »
kare_reiko, I hope you're okay!
It's three days until Shion's birthday and I'm hyped!!!! Might do a closet cosplay of Nezumi, actually.
Anyways, how are you all? I've been gone for two years (but hey, even the rat has to return, hm?) in the Homestuck fandom, but now I'm like 90% back to crying over No.6

(unrelated, but does anyone have a saved copy of "rootings"?)


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Re: Chat thread :)
« Reply #373 on: September 18, 2017, 02:36:59 am »
I'm also still around! I've been a little preoccipied during spring and summer due to some personal stuff. But I keep checking here every now and then.

I've also been debating with myself if I should start reading the novels again any time soon. (Sometimes it's... less fun to have a memory where I can retain most tiny details of whatever I read...makes me have to wait several months to years before something can become a 'fresh' read again where my mindset is not still stuck in the same analytic cycle from before.)


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Re: Chat thread :)
« Reply #374 on: October 21, 2017, 02:49:50 am »
So, it’s been a while... but hi, everyone! I really miss talking with you guys.

Well, here’s my life update:

I was working on cleaning a house for my mom’s friend’s parents, who were hoarders, so I had a pretty big job to do. In exchange for my work, I was allowed to live there. Then in June, my mom’s friend broke our agreement to sell the place to a house flipper. I was supposed to have at least a month’s notice in advance, but I instead had about two weeks before I had to be completely moved out. I somehow managed to find a decent place to live, get my application accepted, sign the lease, pack up all my stuff, and move in ten days. I’m still not sure how I managed to accomplish that...

So I was totally worn out for about a month from those two insanely stressful weeks. Thankfully, my apartment is pretty comfortable. It has a built in air conditioner, which saved me from having a miserable summer. I developed a heat intolerance a few years ago, which really limits what I’m able to do. It downright sucks. The house I was cleaning didn’t have any air conditioning, so I had to be strategic with fans, shutting curtains, opening windows at night, and putting ice packs on my body where they’d be most effective (the underside of your wrists are good for cooling your blood since the veins are more exposed). If I’m not careful, I’ll get migraines or black out. So yeah, I love air conditioners a lot.

I’ve been working on finding specialized employment that won’t interfere with my disabilities, as well as addressing some of my health issues that have been causing me further problems. Now that I think about it, I’m not sure I’ve mentioned what my disabilities are... I have a fair amount of diagnoses, but the ones that prevent me from working most jobs or completing school are Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (a genetic connective tissue disorder– basically my body put itself together with rubber bands instead of duct tape), an auditory processing disorder, and of course the heat intolerance. It’s often extremely frustrating, but all I can really do is keep moving forward however I can.

I did have some of my more major health issues fixed a while back (which again, I don’t remember if I talked about it here or not)! I was having trouble walking because my knees were constantly in pain. After nearly falling down stairs a few times, I got some heavy duty knee braces to prevent myself from falling. I also went to physical therapy to help strengthen the muscles around my knees, which helped my stability but not my pain. And then I started going to a chiropractor. As soon as I told him about my knee issues, he figured out that my kneecaps were dislocated. So I’d been going around for over a year with freaking dislocated kneecaps! I’m not sure how my physical therapist and other doctors didn’t figure that out, but hey, at least someone eventually figured it out! My chiropractor put my kneecaps back into place and taught me how to do it myself as well. I now no longer have any trouble with my knees giving out and I rarely have knee pain! My chiropractor also found that my neck was messed up in seven different ways from when I got a concussion back in elementary school (which was bad enough to knock me out on impact). The position of my vertebrae was actually compressing my windpipe to the size of a boba tea straw, and so after a few adjustments, my airway opened up. It was such an amazing feeling to finally be able to breathe easily after years of feeling like I was being partially strangled all the time. I knew wasn’t out of shape and didn’t have asthma! Ha! Though again, I had my neck examined by other doctors prior, and they found nothing wrong. I’m beginning to think my chiropractor is secretly a wizard...

The next thing happening in my life is that I’ll be taking care of my boyfriend for the next few months. He’s getting his shoulder fixed in a couple weeks, so he won’t be able to use his arm for a month or so. He was in a car accident about a year ago and got really injured, but he’s a quick healer and recovered as much as humanly possible. The remaining problem is that the ligament connecting his collarbone to his shoulder is completely torn, so he needs to get it reattached with surgery. And then once he’s recovered enough from that, he’s getting another surgery to remove a weird thing on his tailbone... I can’t remember what it’s called but he’s had it for years and never addressed it, so of course it got worse and worse, so he’s not going to have a fun time recovering from that.

I think that covers most of what’s going on in my life... So much has happened in such a short amount of time, and it’s hard to remember things now.
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