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Messages - Elanra

Pages: [1] 2 3
Forest Garden / Re: Chat thread :)
« on: June 01, 2014, 01:44:40 pm »
I am sorry for the lack of activity on my part too. I am really busy with agency work these days and can't find much time to do anything else. I still plan on writing a fic for the relationship day (it could be post reunion day too since it fits both) but please excuse the inactivity now. Thread games are a lot of fun! You should definitely have more of those ^^

The Theater / Re: AMV that got me into No. 6
« on: May 22, 2014, 05:15:53 pm »
@thesexymaid Just the mention of Poets of the Fall makes me want to cry. Their songs are very emotional and so many of them could be applied to NezuShi. Carnival of Rust and Fade Away are definitely two of my favorites (the former is also in the NezuShi playlist Maid and I've made). I'll occasionally have a certain mood for Poets of the Fall and end up feeling very inspired.

@ahiku, I am also very happy you shared a song by VASTfor them. Flames is one of my favorite songs and Touched was just as good of a choice for the two idiots. Very good AMV indeed and like others before me said, the full version of the song is especially meaningful for them.

I want to share another.. rather popular song for them, although not as much as Hurricane. This AMV is probably in my top five favorites for NezuShi. I love the use of their voices and the novel lines within the video. I love the scenes used (@thesexymaid - this one has your favorite scene in it too) and I love the timing in it. Every time I listen to this, I find myself admiring how fitting the voice of the vocalist of Blessthefall resonates with Nezumi's voice. Upon finishing their lines, the song starts and it's almost as if Nezumi is the one singing. I always, always loved that. I think the AMV definitely deserves the award and attention it received.

Forest Garden / Re: Chat thread :)
« on: May 22, 2014, 03:24:16 pm »
@yuneyn Ahh, that's a useful little website! Thanks for the suggestion. I wasn't able to find anything on ExFm but there are other stuff I'm definitely willing to try!
I immediately hit 'follow' on your blog because, god, those pictures are so gorgeous! They look professional! Are you possibly interested in photography? They just look really beautiful. I queued everything on there ;A;

@sshion, I am also sorry to hear about your parents. I went through the same thing when I was 13 and had to move out from the house I grew up in. After that I honestly never felt like we had a house which felt like a 'home' as much as that one. It can be exciting, especially if you are happy about the place you are going. A fresh start is always a good feeling too. Kind of makes you feel anew. About picking what to take with you and what to leave behind, it isn't usually the main furniture and such that takes the most space. It's the clutter that fills them that'll likely you give you trouble if you take too much. So you may want to eliminate all the old stuff that you don't need and make sure you find a place with a lot of storage areas. Cupboards, in-built wardrobes, pantries, attics etc. I hope it all works out for you and you'll love your new house.

Forest Garden / Re: Chat thread :)
« on: May 21, 2014, 12:16:35 pm »
@yuneyn, I hope it all works out soon. Take it easy! o(^w^)o
But yeah.. I blog where I could see your fantastic travel photos would be amazing. It's really annoying that you can't pick which account to connect with third party websites. The same happens with ExFm. It links with my Elanra account when I want it linked to my personal. It'sreallyannoying. >.<

The Theater / Re: AMV that got me into No. 6
« on: May 21, 2014, 12:09:16 pm »
Ahh, it says the video does not exist. ;A;

The Theater / Re: AMV that got me into No. 6
« on: May 20, 2014, 09:20:38 pm »
@Vox, Stray Italian Greyhound was the first AMV thesexymaid had ever shown me. It was when we first met, so it already means a lot to me but it's also really good in terms of song choice and editing... gives me feels every time OTL

@thesexymaid, Picture Perfect is a painful song. It's exceptionally painful for NezuShi because.. ahh.. it's so true! It is so fitting for them! That AMV honestly makes me want to cry every single time I watch it. The timing is so good too and I really hate love it ;A;

I also want to share one (no, it's not Hurricane even though I love it okay, that song will always be one of my ultimate NezuShi songs) although it's a quite popular AMV in this fandom... It's just one of my favorites and never fails to inspire me when I am detached and sort of wrapped up in my own world.

This song actually reminds me another one I've heard earlier this year thanks to thesexymaid... It's In Your Room by Depeche Mode and it just gives me the same vibe somehow but I've yet to seen an AMV made with it. Maybe it's the desperation in both songs... Almost as if..  for Shion and Nezumi it's a devastating attraction... like an addiction. It makes them ecstatic and enslaved at the same time. They are helpless in terms of what they are feeling and the vibe is exceptionally strong for Nezumi. I don't know... both these songs just really get to me and I can't easily shake off the mood they put me in, so I wanted to share my feels.

Forest Garden / Re: Chat thread :)
« on: May 20, 2014, 03:30:44 pm »
Ahhh those are such beautiful pictures! Do you have them up on your blog? I would love to reblog them on my personal blog. I am a sucker for travel and scenery photography.
Ahh I always admire people that can speak more than one language. It's such an eye-opening skill. I hope you are having fun!

Mayor's Office / Re: Notifications
« on: May 20, 2014, 08:42:16 am »
I'm not sure, I'll ask her or get back to you on that or reply here.
I also wanted to give you an update on the subject by saying that now I am getting emails for all threads I am subscribed to. Maybe there was a delay like you had, only mine was longer for some reason?
Could be my location or the fact that I often use proxy servers like Zen Mate to bypass my country's ridiculous bans on Twitter and Youtube.
Either way, whatever it was, it seems  to have gotten fixed now and Iamhappy!

Conference Room / Re: [planning post] "Project NezuShi-week"
« on: May 20, 2014, 08:27:29 am »
I'll probably only have one fic contribution OTL
The one I'll write as a gift for red eyes gold eyes will fit post-reunion day too so.. Iguessthat'sallIamgonnado ;A;
/has even more articles to work on now

Conference Room / Re: [planning post] "Project NezuShi-week"
« on: May 19, 2014, 04:37:29 pm »
You are a part of it too, idiot :/
But yeah, I must admit, I am kind of proud too. It makes me so happy ;A;

Mayor's Office / Re: Notifications
« on: May 19, 2014, 04:34:47 pm »
Uhh, that's the only email I can use for things like this. The other two I have aren't for personal use. BUT I ACTUALLY GOT AN EMAIL TODAY.
I haven't changed anything so I don't know why I got one today, but yeah, I got an email for the Chat Thread.
Also, I feel I must explain that I already have subscribed to every thread I am interested in individually. Thesexymaid asked me the same question so I wanted to clear that out.

Forest Garden / Re: Chat thread :)
« on: May 19, 2014, 04:30:24 pm »
I've moved more than 20 times. Idon'tevenremembertheexactnumberanymore. (;゙°´ω°´)

Mayor's Office / Re: Notifications
« on: May 17, 2014, 07:11:06 pm »
Since I started posting here, yes. And of course, I have checked my spam account ^^

Conference Room / Re: Event planning
« on: May 17, 2014, 01:55:29 pm »
That's already what I am using. It isn't too much of a problem for me, that link pretty much covers it for me. I just wanted to point out it's an existing problem for me too, like Lawlya ^^

Mayor's Office / Re: Notifications
« on: May 17, 2014, 01:52:51 pm »
Yes, all my settings are correct. Maybe it's my internet or something... It's been really bad lately.

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